Saturday, May 1, 2010

Night sounds

I love night sounds. Not just any night sounds...not a fan of the night sounds in the city...I love the night sounds out in the middle of the country--frogs croaking, crickets chirping, owls hooting (not screeching, though). And when we're here at the lake, I get to hear lots of night sounds.

We didn't get here until about 8:30 last night, so we unloaded (well, I unloaded...not about to let John do anything that could possibly screw up his wrist) and then we sat on the porch for a bit. The frogs were in grand form. Danny and Linda had left some crickets on the porch, and they were doing a lot of leg rubbing. No owls hooted, though, and fortunately, we didn't hear any coyotes yipping.

We opened the window in the bedroom before we went to bed, so I got to fall asleep to the sounds that I love. These are the sounds of my childhood.


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