About me

So, just who IS Trina? I am a wife, a (step)mother, a daughter, and a friend. I was blessed to marry my best friend. John was the answer to many, many prayers, and I thank God each and every day for bringing us together. When we married, I had an "instant" family. Katy and Jessi have been a huge blessing to me as well. When I was younger, I never really thought I 'd have children of my own. That just wasn't something I saw in my future. (I never was the baby doll kind of little girl.) But I did see myself as a step-mom. Weird? Maybe. Maybe not.

I was also blessed to be raised by two wonderful parents who instilled solid values in me. They continue to guide me daily. I just wish that I could see them more frequently.

As I have gotten older, my friendships have changed. Some "old" friends have disappeared from my life; "new" friends have been added; and some "old" friends have reappeared. I don't know what I would do without my friends. They tell me like it is when that is what I need to hear.

I am also a teacher. I pray each day that I can be a positive influence in the lives of my students. I pray that I can encourage, support, and guide them the way that my teachers did for me.
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