Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lake time is winding down

EXTENDED lake time, that is.  My summer is quickly coming to an end.  This is the last of my extended stays here, and I'm feeling really depressed. 

Next week we have orientation.  Since I have seniors, I have to be at the school Monday by 8, and Mr. Reyes has requested that we come back on Wednesday for the make-up day, so I'll be there then, too.  I'll probably go back Thursday, and maybe Friday, to get everything back in place and make some copies.  Then the next week will be our inservice/professional development days on August 3, 4, and 5.  More than likely, I'll be there on that Monday (2nd), too, but unless I feel like I HAVE to be there on Friday (6th), I'll enjoy my last day of summer at home.  Maybe John can take that day off and we can come back on Thursday.  (That may not be possible though because he just had to let two of his techs go because of financial reasons.)

I planned on coming up Sunday, but I was so tired from all of the wedding festivities, I knew I couldn't make it.  It isn't that I was running around like a crazy woman (she didn't come to the wedding), but there are always those last minute things that have to be taken care of.  And on Saturday, I ran a couple of quick errands for Jessi.  Anyhoo, if you read my other blog, you know I was worthless on Sunday.  I decided to clean house on Monday so I'd have that out of the way, so the pups and I didn't get here until mid-afternoon yesterday.

One of the first things I did when I got here was to check on the wrens.  Either they have flown or something got them.  I'm not sure they were quite old enough to fly, but I can't stand to think that something bad happened, so as far as I'm concerned, they flew.  (Hey, this is my blog and Momma Wren made their "nursery" outside my window, so I can think what I want.  LOL)

It is HOT and HUMID, and the lake level is falling.  The level is down almost three feet.  By next weekend, unless we have a monsoon, we should be able to burn the brush in the slough.  I hope so anyway...I don't like anything that looks snaky, even if we haven't seen any so far.  (Knock on wood!!!)

I'm staying here until Friday, and then I'll meet John at his mom's for our weekend.  I haven't been since April.  (Bless her heart.  She won't even remember it's been that long either.)  We swapped with Danny and Linda in May--they did their weekend and our weekend that month, and John did their weekend in June since Linda was supposed to have gone to the beach with us.  Then we had Christie (Billie's neighbor) stay on our regular weekend in June because that was the weekend of Lance and Jess's couple's shower. 

Hopefully, the next couple of days will be sunny.  I want to get as much sun as I can while I can.  I know...I'll look like a piece of old shoe leather by the time I'm an old woman, but John will still love me.  :)

I think I'm about to get an adult beverage and sit on the porch for a while.


1 comment:

  1. LOL@ looking like a piece of old shoe leather...Oh Trina I so wish we lived closer...I know we would be FAB friends!


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